Search Results
Found 66 items.
Machines for non-chemical intra-row weed control in narrow and wide-row crops: a review
5664PDF: 2642Appendix: 279HTML: 4323 -
Aeroponic systems design: considerations and challenges
4919PDF: 1707Appendix: 128HTML: 3020 -
Energy consumption and analysis of industrial drying plants for fresh pasta process
4335PDF: 1098HTML: 4988 -
Hot foam and hot water for weed control: A comparison
2433PDF: 775HTML: 81 -
Dynamic neural network modeling of thermal environments of two adjacent single-span greenhouses with different thermal curtain positions
Thermo-fluid-dynamic modelling of a cold store for cheese maturation
2594PDF: 733HTML: 429 -
Fluorescence hyper-spectral imaging to detecting faecal contamination on fresh tomatoes
1795PDF: 842HTML: 825 -
Towards a smart automated surface irrigation management in rice-growing areas in Italy
2839PDF: 1322HTML: 1289 -
A low-energy storage container for food and agriculture products
1018PDF: 496HTML: 21 -
Fuzzy neural network PID control design of camellia fruit vibration picking manipulator
776PDF: 267Appendix: 46HTML: 4 -
Effects of controlled burn rice husk ash on geotechnical properties of the soil
1065PDF: 554HTML: 56 -
Research on inspection route of hanging environmental robot based on computational fluid dynamics
Development of a flaming machine for the disinfection of poultry grow-out facilities
3280PDF: 959HTML: 1621 -
Measurement of longwave radiative properties of energy-saving greenhouse screens
1090PDF: 513HTML: 12 -
Nutrient losses from cattle co-digestate slurry during storage
2111PDF: 874HTML: 537 -
Municipal community gardens in the metropolitan area of Milano. Assessment and planning criteria
2323PDF: 980HTML: 520 -
Monitoring mini-tomatoes growth: A non-destructive machine vision-based alternative
1156PDF: 605HTML: 46 -
An active-optical reflectance sensor in-field testing for the prediction of winter wheat harvest metrics
Photovoltaic greenhouses: evaluation of shading effect and its influence on agricultural performances
4258PDF: 1591HTML: 1007 -
The design of a force feedback soft gripper for tomato harvesting
4440PDF: 1643HTML: 697 -
Working speed optimization of the fully automated vegetable seedling transplanter
531PDF: 298HTML: 16 -
Vibration produced by hand-held olive electrical harvesters
2917PDF: 712HTML: 1401 -
ArduHydro: a low-cost device for water level measurement and monitoring
884PDF: 648HTML: 14 -
Predicting plot soil loss by empirical and process-oriented approaches. A review
1452PDF: 1096HTML: 457 -
Geothermal source heat pump performance for a greenhouse heating system: an experimental study
4630PDF: 1495HTML: 2470 -
An efficient headland-turning navigation system for a safflower picking robot
770PDF: 396HTML: 26 -
Structural strength analysis of a rotary drum mower during harvesting
632PDF: 259HTML: 3 -
Energy analysis to assess the environmental sustainability of the dairy chain
2494PDF: 724HTML: 382 -
Evaluating flow regime alterations due to point sources in intermittent rivers: A modelling approach
843PDF: 456S1: 204S2: 221S3: 162HTML: 43 -
Calibration and comparison of different CFD approaches for airflow analysis in a glass greenhouse
2479PDF: 1264HTML: 681 -
Comparing actual transpiration fluxes as measured at leaf-scale and calculated by a physically based agro-hydrological model
901PDF: 318Appendix: 58HTML: 6 -
Shipping container equipped with controlled atmosphere: Case study on table grape
1751PDF: 734HTML: 303 -
Application of MOS gas sensors for detecting mechanical damage of tea plants
121PDF: 101HTML: 20 -
Design and experiment of brush-roller ginkgo leaf picker for the dwarf dense planting mode
1054PDF: 332HTML: 19 -
Parametric evaluation of segmentation techniques for paddy diseases analysis
638PDF: 259HTML: 4
1 - 66 of 66 items