Original Articles
Best practices in post-flood surveys: The study case of Pioverna torrent
Published: 28 June 20222357PDF: 384HTML: 24Comparative study of coating agents for prevention of fine-dust-induced light transmittance reduction in greenhouse covering materials
Published: 29 June 2022930PDF: 405HTML: 37Modelling and verification of sesame seed particles using the discrete element method
Published: 28 June 20221499PDF: 494HTML: 82Kernel density estimation analyses based on a low power-global positioning system for monitoring environmental issues of grazing cattle
Published: 25 March 20221114PDF: 533HTML: 65Hyperspectral imaging to measure apricot attributes during storage
Published: 28 June 2022970PDF: 413HTML: 44Portable central baffle flume
Published: 29 June 2022663PDF: 298HTML: 57Effect of variable chipping clearance and operational speed on the cassava chip geometry
Published: 28 June 2022551PDF: 320HTML: 106Evaluating flow regime alterations due to point sources in intermittent rivers: A modelling approach
Published: 28 June 2022808PDF: 428S1: 201S2: 217S3: 160HTML: 39Parameter estimation of soil water retention curve with Rao-1 algorithm
Published: 4 May 2022677PDF: 285HTML: 74